- Richardson Journal
- Submissions Guidelines
Pilgrimages: The Journal of Dorothy Richardson Studies
Submission Guidelines
Generally consistency is all-important, but please follow these rules.
- Extracts (quotations of 60 words or more): indent without quotation marks, with a line space above and below, giving reference by superscript numeral and endnote.
- Italics: for names of ships, play titles, newspapers (only The Times and The Economist have 'The' as part of title), paintings, film titles, books, magazines, journals, TV programme names. Poem, essay and short story titles in roman and single quotes. Italicise section headings.
- Quotations (less than 60 words): single quote marks, but double for quotation within quotation. Square brackets for author/editor's insertion of words not in the original, eg 'in many respects [hers is an] exemplary biography.' All signs of punctuation used with words in quotation marks must be placed according to sense, as in the following examples;
'Why does he use the word "poison"?' But I boldly cried out, 'Woe unto this city!'
Alas, how few of them can say, 'I have striven to the very utmost'!
- S/Z: s spellings preferred (eg organise, apologise, etc).
- Dashes: spaced 'en' rules – to be typed thus.
- Ellipses: three dots with spaces on either side thus ... even if a sentence ends of starts with one. Omit all other punctuation even if, for example, a sentence ends before the ellipse. Where quoting Richardson put inserted ellipses in square brackets: [ ... ].
- Paragraphs: indicate by double hard return. No indent.
- Hyphens: maintain consistency (keep list if in doubt): compound nouns, eg film-maker, make-up (but not established compounds, eg soundtrack, comeback, breakdown, etc); double adjectives, eg well-timed (but not adverb and adjective, eg widely known); clashing vowels, eg co-operate, re-introduce (but not rewrite, rethink etc); words with two meanings (eg recreation and re-creation); adjectival phrases, eg middle-class (but not the noun, eg the working class); hyphenate five-year-old but not no one.
- Foreign words/phrases: check with Oxford Dictionary for Writers and Editors for accents and italicization. Roman only for words/phrases in common usage, eg rendezvous, role, regime (note: no accents).
- Contractions: omit full point of contractions (which end in last letter of word), e.g.: Dr, Mr, Mrs, St, edn, eds, Ltd; and after metric unites (preferred to Imperial or US measures, but please be consistent), e.g.: cm, m, km, kg, etc. No full point for etc if followed by other punctuation.
- Abbreviations: end with full points (since truncated), e.g.: p.m., ed., vol., no., etc. And for initials of people, e.g.: R. A. Butler, Edward W. Said, etc. No full points with initials for organizations etc, e.g.: RAC, BBC, SWP, HMSO, USA, etc.
- Dates: use 1950s, not fifties, or '50s or 1950's. Use 1984, not '84; and use 1914-18, unless 1899-1902. For complete dates, give thus: 25 June 1992 (not 25th June 1992, or June 25, 1992). Spell out nineteenth century, not 19th century (and note hyphenation of adjectival usage, e.g.: a nineteenth-century tradition).
- Numbers: spell out to 100 (e.g.: eighty-nine), then use numerals (e.g.: 253). The exceptions are measurements (see below) and millions/billions (e.g.: £7.8 million). Thousands: use comma only in five- or six-figure numbers, ie. 4000 but 45,000.
- Measurements: use figures (numerals), e.g.: 8 km, 15 hectares, etc. Film/camera lens measurements thus, 16mm, 35mm (closed up as shown).
- Percentages: use figures, and spell out per cent (two words) (e.g.: 20 per cent).
- Notes and References: Notes are footnotes in Chicago full-note style. Check that they are complete and the number is placed outside punctuation: e.g.: ... as Fredric Jameson notes.17 (NB number should be in superscript).
- Capitalisation: check with Oxford Dictionary for Writers and Editors for capitalisation of proper names etc. Do not normally capitalise socialism, communism, fascism, the left, the right, etc.